Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Skin clean-up routine - Home recipe [For oily skin!]

Hello lovelies!

Again I owe you an apology for not being active. I am really trying to kick up my activity on this blog but it's not working so well. With all of my uni stuff and general live there was also a sad occurrence in my life recently that kept me away for the last two weeks. My boyfriend was hit by a car and he broke his leg (thankfully it is okay now, healing properly and he didn't have any other serious injuries) which prompted me to get a week off my uni (basically I just decided not to go) and go to Zagreb to help him out and spend some time together. He was on his way to me when the accident occurred, so that was the only way for me to actually see him (LDR are hard sometimes ppl). Anyway, now I am back in Belgrade and I am bringing you a home recipe for taking care of your face. Let's get started.

First off, this is not some super-awesome smart thing I invented, I actually read it some time ago on a Serbian blog somewhere (sorry, can't find it at the moment), so I can't really take credit for it. None the less, I am going to share it with you lovelies, so you have an easy and super-cheap way to tend to your skin which is not toxic or complicated.

All you're gonna need is one egg and aprox. one or two paper towels. And a brush.

Notice: This is for oily skin with/without acne only face routine. Also it is advisable not to do it on the areas of the skin which are under inflammation or have some type of rash. For more serious acne problems go to a dermatologist.

Beforehand wash your face with mild soap that will not irritate your skin.

Start off with separating the egg yolk from the white into two separate bowls (or cups). Stir them up a bit and move on to your mirror. You will also need a face brush (I use one of my blush brushes, which I always clean up afterwards) to put the egg on your face. Put a generous coat of the egg white onto your face, avoiding your lips and the sensitive skin under your eyes (don't put it on your eyes as well). When done, tear up strips of the paper towel and stick them over the egg white on your face, then overlaying it with another coat of it. Make sure it's nice and covered and let it dry around 15 to 20 minutes. You will look like a crazy mummy monster, so try not to scare anyone in the vicinity (or do, as I did my mom the first time I've done it xD).

It is going to start to fell weird as it starts to dry - something like you've just had a face-lift and it can be uncomfortable, but bare with it. After the time has passed and everything is dry, peel off the paper off your face in quick pulls, but don't be too rash with it. It can sting a bit, but this functions as a face peel and it will liberate your skin of all those nasty black heads and remove all the dirt and excess oil from your pores. Wash your face again to remove any remaining egg white and dry it off with a fluffy towel. 

Then take the egg yolk and coat your face again on all those places where you used the egg white previously. You can put one or two coats (it is easier to wash off if you put one); then leave it to dry again. This one will dry quicker, maybe 5 to 10 minutes. The egg yolk will work as a soother for the skin, so we don't leave it so dry after using the egg white. Again, your face will stiffen, but you won't be keeping it on for too long anyways. Again wash your face with water and soap, and make sure you removed all of the egg yolk. Dry off with a fluffy towel and that's it!

You can put a hydrating creme to bring back the positive oil in your skin, but I don't do that since even the best ones tend to destroy the effect I want from this face-peeling. Do this aprox. twice a week in a period of three to four days.

I am stating that this is for oily skin only - I don't know what kind of effect it would have on dryer types of skin. For me, who has extremely oily skin and an acne problem this is one of the best ways to treat my skin quickly and easily and it doesn't cost a small fortune or time to go on expensive treatments.

What I've noticed is that the morning after my skin is not oily at all as it usually is in the morning and that the black heads tend to disappear much quicker than if I only wash my face. But unlike with special soaps and creams my face is not as irritated and I can put on my make up with no problem. 

Note that your face will be slightly irritated after the peeling so it's probably best to do this before going to bed so it calms down until morning. Also, if you are afraid it can have a bad effect on you, test it first on a small portion of the skin to see if there is a bad reaction. I am not a dermatologist so don't take all this for granted. 

I just wanted to share this awesome and quick recipe with you all who are troubled with bad and oily skin. It did help me a lot. Let me know if this helped you or if you have any questions, about this or anything else. Also tell me your experiences with skin care and do share helpful tips.

Enjoy your day lovelies and I will hopefully be back soon with something else interesting to share with you.