Monday, December 22, 2014

First affiliate~

Today I got my first affiliate! It's the wonderful UNIQSO. They sell lenses, wigs, make up and anything and everything you might need for your upcoming cosplay, or just general styling.

Click the banner on the left side of my blog so you can go and check out what they are offering. By purchasing any product over my referral, I am one step closer to getting something awesome of my own from them ^^

I've seen other girls reviewing their products, so I decided I will definitely give them a shot. I will probably be ordering some lenses soon, too.

Anyway, enjoy your shopping, and let me know if you have any questions.

Until the next post.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

OSU! Mania

Today I want to share with you a fun game I've been into for some time. It's Osu!

It is a music rhythm game and the registration and download are free, and you can get it here.

It has tons of anime and Japanese songs, but also some kpop and generally pop and rock music. You can even make your own bitmaps.
I mostly enjoy playing Vocaloid songs and anime openings.

Here's a video of my first Perfect SS on a song:

Feel free to contact me and share your Osu! experience, and maybe we can even play together!
I am still a noob though, I need a new mouse definitely, if I want to get better at this.

'Till next time, stay lovely~

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Nail art designs

Well, maybe the title of this post sounds a bit pretentious, but it is not actually as it seems. These nail designs I am going to show off were made on my nails, over the course of two years since I've been getting my nails done and extended.
I just want to share the beautiful designs, sometimes taken from the internet, sometimes made up on the spot by me or the lady that does the nails for me.
Without further ado:

The pink and purple ones are going to be my eternal favourite.

Then, afterwards, I got a bit into a hipster-like mood.

Simple pastels.

Gay pride! LGBT support!

Simple, yet elegant.

And that would be all for now. Soon I am going to get a new design done; in a few days actually, and I still have no idea what to do this time. Same as always, I will think on my feet.

Until the next post, lovelies.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Zombie burlesque

This was a re-make of my zombie make-up for Halloween. I gave it a twist with mixing burlesque. It is an old look, done last year, but I never shared it, so here it is now. ^^

The process of making it was the same as the tutorial I posted few years ago.


Oh, and while we're mentioning zombies - I watched an amazing angsty and smart tv show called "In The Flesh". It was aired on BBC3, although I watched it online. I am still hoping for a season 3. Go check it out, if you like the zombie theme mixed with many important social themes.

All of Rei's hair

Hello minna, I know I've totally forgotten about this blog, and although I don't have a good reason except being lazy and constantly loaded with uni stuff and life. I am trying to make a comeback now, so here is a totally random post I was planning to do all the way back.

I never realized how hard would it be to actually make a collage of my previous hairs. I wanted to do it chronologically, but I soon gave up since I can't really remember the exact time when I had certain hair. So...

Lets see how Rei got from this:

[2006 natural hair]

To this:

[taken yesterday - it's actually red although you can't really see it]

Here it goes:

As you can see I've been mostly red and pink over the years, and those two are definitely my fav colours, but I've also been orange, blonde, black, series of brown, blue and purple. The blue washed out into a grizzly algae green, but I don't really count that.

I hope I will be able to keep track now, at least a bit; and also be more active.

I'm planning a wig review as soon as my first wig arrives. I can't wait to share that with you.

Until the next post. ^^